

About Me

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Connecticut, United States
Hi! I'm a juinor-high student (I feel so sophisticated when saying that) from the third smallest state (Connecticut) in the 50 United States of America. (Good research, huh?) My interests are swimming, writing, reading, organinizing my closet, and trying on cute clothes that are "in" and "hip." I am completly freaked out by scary movies, even though I read scary books. I don't understand why we need math and ugly clothes in this world. People that are talented at instruments embarass me and make me jeolus because of my non-capability of it. Anyway, here's my story!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Swim Meet, Shoe Pictures, and CMTs!

Sorry about the lighting; I got home and took the picture once I took my coat off (Tip: Get up from your computer chair and look down over it. It works!) Anyway, these are the famous black boots that I have been drooling over for the past week. Yes, yes, I know, they are AMAZING!!!

Anyway, the swim meet went pretty darn awesome. I got 3rd place out of the STATE in butterfly! Monday, there was a town meet. I got a gigantic trophy for backstroke and a cute silver medal (symbolizing 2nd place) for butterfly! I need advice (I'm counting on you, Jen and Dolly!) I don't know what type of sport I should do for the Spring, swimming (I would really like to get better at it so I could get a scholarship or something) or softball (I want to get outdoors). As you can see, my side comments are arguing (no they're not), (yes they are). Ugh, not again!

I know what you people are thinking. What are the CMTs? Well, first of all, it stands for Child Mind Torture (a.k.a. The Connecticut Mastery Test. Yeah, I bend the truth, I'm a baaaaad girl). This test that is hated by common Connecticut pupils is loved by one kid... me. I mean, it's so easy! All you have to do is sit down, recieve the test, get left alone, and follow the directions! You get almost no homework because the teachers don't want you to be "stressed out for the next day." We follow what the teachers say.

Last year, my CMT scores were all above average, so I got this invitation for the smart kids breakfast with cute cookies and hot cocoa. Fun!

Well, that's all the inspiration left in me for today! Bye!


  1. LOVE THE BOOTS!!! no wonder you're drooling over them!!!
    Ok cousin, you are amazing at both sports. If I had to say I would say you're better at swiming. I mean, its like you were BORN in the pool!!! lol but ask yourself this question if you are completly stuck: which people are doing which sport? if its a bunch of mean girls doing swiming it wont be much fun for you. But if the nice kids are doing softball, it will be a lot more fun. sports are about having fun. make sure you have fun when you play.
    My goodness, you are HILIARIOUS!!!! "child mind torture" lol!!!
    I'm loving your blog little cousin!!!

  2. Thanks!!!! Your so awesome and so is your advice. I'm probably going to do swimming. Aren't you so proud of me for seeting up the hyperlink?????

    The Girl in the Chestnut Uggs
